InKredulous: Episode #049 - Live at SITPO
Episode 49 of our satirical, skeptical comedy podcast. Your host is Andy Wilson (@InKredulosi) of the Merseyside Skeptics Society and co-organiser of QED conference. This episode was recorded as part of the SITP Online project. There is a video of the livestream available on YouTube. Appearing are:
Eli Bosnick – Trouble making co-host of Scathing Atheist Podcast, Citation Needed Podcast, God Awful Movies, Skepticrat and magician extraordinaire (@elibosnick)
Kat Ford – PHD student and member of The Merseyside Skeptics Society (@KatLikesJam)
George Hrab – Enigmatic and clean shaven host of the Geologic Podcast and many other wonderful achievements including his TEDx talk (@GeorgeHrab )
Michael Marshall – The Ockham winning Marsh of the Good Thinking Society, Merseyside Skeptics Society, co-host of Skeptics with a K and co-organiser for QED (@MrMMarsh)
As ever, thanks for listening and for all the lovely comments.