Eric Robinson - Obesity: is it my own fault or is capitalism to blame?

The obesity pandemic has been talked about a lot over the last 20 years, but it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. More recently there has been a shift in how obesity is talked about as a public health problem. The role of genetics and the environment we live in are now recognised as key causes of obesity, which raises questions over what role personal responsibility has in explaining and reducing obesity. In this talk I’ll share our research on how the obesity pandemic has changed how we view our own bodies, the impact capitalism has had on obesity, and what would need to happen before we even start thinking about reversing the obesity pandemic. The short answer is that a hell of a lot is going to need to happen, starting with governments preparing to sacrifice capitalist principles, and ending with major societal shifts in attitudes towards food and health.
Professor Eric Robinson is an internationally awarded and recognised academic expert in obesity. Based at the University of Liverpool, his research team and collaborators study the psychology of eating, obesity and public health. His work has been featured on TV (including appearances on BBC and Channel4), in international press and at international science events.
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