Mark Green - The big data revolution: What is all the fuss about?

The era of big data is supposedly upon us. We have more data than you can shake a stick at, as well as new forms of data allowing us to gain deeper insights into modern life. Alongside the big claims for how big data will revolutionise modern society, there is growing awareness of 'big data hubris' and the possibility that we have over-hyped its contribution. The talk will introduce what we mean when we say 'big data', it's potential applications and pitfalls, and demonstrate its possibilities for helping us to understand what influences our health.
Mark Green is Reader in Health Geography at the University of Liverpool. Their research examines how we can make the best use of ‘big data’ for tackling health inequalities.
About Mark Green
Mark Green is Reader in Health Geography at the University of Liverpool. Their research examines how we can make the best use of ‘big data’ for tackling health inequalities.
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