Natalie Bennett - Universal Basic Income

Natalie Bennett - Universal Basic Income
Natalie Bennett was the leader of the Green Party from 2012-2016. Over that time she and the party became known as champions of the policy of universal basic income - a guarantee that people's basic needs will be met by an unconditional payment to meet their essential needs.
She argues that it is a guarantee of the basic human right to life, a way of providing people with the chance to use their talents well, and ends benefit traps. No one would be left penniless, as far too many are being left now by zero-hours contracts and swingeing benefit sanctions. And it might mean that sewer cleaners are paid more than bankers - as they probably should be.
Trials are underway now in Finland, Holland, Canada, the US and Kenya - it is an idea that is catching on fast, in part because of fears about the impact of automation on jobs.
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